Monday, February 14, 2011

my darling is over the ocean

My best friend ask me a a while ago to make her a cake for Valentine's day. She wanted to give this cake to her boyfriend who stays in Singapore. The idea came from her friend's thumbnail. Maybe you have seen it before. I personally think it's very cute.

As someone who is also in a long distance relationship, I get the feeling of this picture. Being in different time zones and different parts of the world can be exhausting at times. It's not only up to us to keep the love burning and being committed to each other, but God's grace also plays huge part of it. Thank God that we can love each other because He has first loved us and show us how to love, unconditionally.

So, this is the final outcome of the cake. It put big smile on my face when i finished it earlier this morning.

Happy Valentine's to those who are miles apart from their loved ones. May your love keep burning, just as the first time you fell in love with each other. xxo

Oooh! By the way, did you notice that the birds are in Singapore and Java, roughly ?? ;)

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